ASTI, the Association du Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés, has said that it broadly welcomes the government’s initiative — parcours d’integration accompagné (PIA) —  to assist the integration of of refugees noting, however, that it could have been introduced earlier, and taking the opportunity to announce a raft of new courses that they are offering. 

According to ASTI, the approach taken in the initiate, which includes language classes, civic education courses, as well as training and information sessions on everyday life in Luxembourg, deserves their approval and interest.

ASTI cited their own courses and integration supports, including literacy, work placements, and informations sessions on the culture, institutions, rights and duties of individuals in Luxembourg. 

A range of new courses has been promoted by ASTI, at which it said 250 people are already registered from among applicants and beneficiaries of international protection but also other foreign residents, for example Portuguese, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, etc.