ASTI’s Connections project is preparing refugees for work in Luxembourg.

The arrival of a significant number of asylum seekers in Luxembourg has revived the question of integrating refugees into the job market, especially since asylum procedures can last over one year and at present, there lacks possibilities of integration into the job market during this procedure.

As such, ASTI implemented the project Connections on 31 January 2016, which is financed by the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and will last for three years. The project aims to prepare refugees for employment in several ways, for instance by making them aware of life in Luxembourgish society and demands in the world of work in the Grand-Duchy.

The project also prepares refugees for work by creating links between them, Luxembourgish businesses and the job market, as well as by mobilising economic actors to promote the professional integration of refugees.

During the project’s different phases, participants have the chance to participate in activities such as a skills and professional experience screening, information sessions on Luxembourg and the EU, professional workshops, carrying out an internship, and highlighting the importance of training leading to official qualifications.

Indeed, within the Connections initiative, The Luxembourg Chronicle also hired some refugees in September.