On 23 January 2017, the 4th plenary of the Ronnen Desch platform took place in Sanem; proposals made at this event were submitted to the government a few days ago.

A year ago, Ronnen Desch was formed for the exchange between the components of society on issues related to integration in general and that of refugees in particular.

In its 4th plenary, Ronnen Desch gathered various proposals to improve current attempts at the level of public authorities, associative structures, volunteers and the investment of the Great National Relief Work - Duchess Charlotte.

Following this event, the proposals were forwarded to the government and political parties. These included improving the reception of refugees in the first months as well as active civic education in this area, request that the Direction of Immigration work towards a more fluid and fair treatment of applications which takes less time to process, as well as introducing the ability to trace applications, and also offer housing to asylum seekers in welcome centres and with locals.

Other proposals made at this plenary involved language classes, education, access to work, sports, cultural and leisure activities, and integration into the municipalities.

Ronnen Desch aims to promote solidarity among citizens as well as from the government and public administrations.