The Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés (ASTI) and UNIÃO asbl - Centro Cooperativo have organised table conversation events to allow the public to put their learned Luxembourgish into practice.

These relaxed gatherings will present an opportunity for individuals, who ordinarily are not able to apply the language in everyday life, to advance their learning further and faster whilst counteracting their fear of expressing themselves in the language.

Entitled 'Zesumme Lëtzebuergesh schwätzen', these meetings will be attended by a group of volunteers to help facilitate the flow of conversation.

The conversations will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 14:30 to 16:00 at ASTI/UNIAO headquarts in Luxembourg-Eich, and on Thursday mornings from 10:00 until 11:30 in a City locality to be confirmed. The first meetings will take place in mid-October.

To participate, individuals must have successfully completed at least A1-2 in the European common reference framework for languages. Participation costs €20 for a dozen sessions.

For mre information go to or contact 43-83-33-1.


Photo by ASTI