From 17 to 19 February 2016, a Luxembourg delegation attended an exchange of views on the subject of vocational training in Bern, Switzerland.

The meeting arose in response to the somehwat alarming proportions of youth unemployment that have resulted from the economic crisis, as well as to Swiss studies which have found that vocational training can make a lasting contribution to young people in the labour market and, therefore, to social stability. Vocational training is seen as a vector for enabling young people to gain a foothold in the world of work, as well as ensure the next generation of qualified professionals.

Luxembourg has been seeking to reform its vocational training options by improving the quality of the teaching, although problems still persist in organising training in secondary schools and in monitoring teachers and trainers, students and their parents during the process. The modular system has reportedly proved particularly difficult to manage for secondary schools.

It was for this reason that the Luxembourg delegation, comprised of Ministry of Education, Children and Youth representatives Michel Lanners, Jean Billa and Luc Weis; and representatives of employers' and salarial associations Roger Thoss, Daniel Schroeder and Carlo Frising, travelled to Switzerland to discuss the rpgoress to be made in vocational training in the Grand Duchy. Ambassador Marc Thill also joined for the meetings.

The meetings were used as a means of establishing contacts with prominent Swiss experts on education, politics and the economy. Primary topics discussed included the image of vocational training, gateways ('Durchlässigkeit'), curriculum development and the responsibilities of various partners.

According to the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the visit opened new prospects for collaboration, with the aim of addressing the many problems linked to current vocational training in Luxembourg.


Photo by MENEJ (L-R: Roger Thoss ; Marc Thill ; Jean Billa ; Michel Lanners ; Laura Antonelli ; Heike Suter-Hoffmann ; Luc Weis ; Carlo Frising ; Dan Schroeder)