On 31 January 2017, nine European Transport ministers, including François Bausch, met in Paris to discuss the launch of a “Road Alliance”.

The Ministers of Transport from Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Norway and Sweden have met to discuss the possibility of a “Road Alliance” to deal with the road transport of merchandise in Europe in the context of unfair competition based on social dumping.

This particular sector is often the victim of fraud and misused regulations related to the interior market and the right to work.

Through this collective initiative, the nine countries will unite to defend the road transport of merchandise by creating fair and healthy competition between economic actors. This also aims to guarantee the social rights of workers.

This union of several European countries aims to defend this vision in European bodies. The European Commission is currently working on a number of proposals aimed at the road sector and the objective of the meeting yesterday was also to send a strong common message to Commissioner Violeta Bulc in order to influence the outlines.

By launching the "Road Alliance", these countries signed an action plan with several objectives: to converge certain national measures implementing European regulations with a view to their application by operators and to improve the life of workers, to have more efficient controls on the basis of mutual experience, and to strengthen the definition of common positions to improve the efficiency of the fight against fraud.