Minister for Family and Integration, Corinne Cahen, and Ambassador of Ireland, Peadar Carpenter, met earlier today to discuss the integration of refugees into their host European countries.

The current influx of refugees fleeing war has meant that, although Italy and Greece have been particularly affected, all European countries are currently experiencing a large number of refugees applying for international protection.

Ireland also constitutes such a country, currently facing an influx of asylum seekers from Syria , Iraq and Afghanistan. However, unlike Luxembourg, Ireland does not have a long tradition regarding the reception of such refugees.

Explaining how Luxembourg has faced the crisis, Minister Cahen explained "integration through education, language learning and work". She went on to reference the first-reception measures put in place by the Luxembourg Government.

The Minister and the Ambassador, during their discussions, agreed that it was necessary to distribute refugees throughout the country, with a view to facilitating their integration.


Photo by MFAMIGR (L-R: Ambassador of Ireland, Peadar Carpenter; Minister for Family and Integration, Corinne Cahen)