Luxembourg's National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) has announced the publication of the new pocket-size edition of its “Luxembourg in Figures” brochure as well as an interactive digital version.

The factual brochure is made up of 52 pages giving basic statistical facts and figures about the Grand Duchy. It is easy to read, with illustrated maps and graphs.

The inclusion of international comparisons allow readers to compare Luxembourg to other EU countries as well as to the world’s leading economies.

The factual information included in the brochure covers sectors such as the economy and businesses, territory and agriculture, society, education and multiculturalism. For instance, it reveals that foreign nationals represent 46% of Luxembourg’s population, and that the number of jobs in the Grand Duchy has increased by 50% since 2000.

In regard to “Luxembourg in figures” in digital format, the interactive app LUXSTATS, available in English and French, offers various definitions and explanations for the figures as well as more graphs and maps than the printed version. It can be installed on a mobile phone or tablet and is free to download.