At the invitation fo the director of the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Udo Hahn, the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, will speak at the symposium "Europa im Krisenmodus - Haben wir noch eine gemeinsame Zukunft?" at the Tutzing Evangelical Academy in Germany on Friday 17 June 2016.

The symposium, entitled "Europe in Crisis Mode - Do We Still Have a Shared Future?" in English, will be chaired by former minister-president of Bavaria, Günther Beckstein, and Udo Hahn. Since 1947, the academy has been organising academic seminars and conferences in favour of pluralism, tolerance and openness towards the world, including through dialogue between policy makers and civil society.

Minister Asselborn will give a speech on "National Identitäten in einem starken Europa - Warum ein mehr an Integration die Lösung ist" - or "National Identities in a Strong Europe - Why More Integration is the Solution". He will outline the main principles and values of the European Union, whilst addressing the current challenges and opportunities in Europe.


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