Credit: SOLVIT Luxembourg

Since 2002, SOLVIT Luxembourg, the network for cross-border problem resolution in the EU, has handled 495 complaints.

The SOLVIT Luxembourg centre has a legal basis within the Grand-Ducal Decree of 1 June 2018 concerning the organisation of the centre as well as the composition and functioning of its network. The SOLVIT Luxembourg centre has thus reinforced its position within the national administration, ensuring that it can act effectively in all areas related to the internal market, in the interest of citizens and businesses.

The SOLVIT network and its national centres were launched in 2002 by the European Commission to solve cross-border administrative problems in the EU internal market without resorting to the courts. From its creation to the end of 2017, 495 complaints were handled by SOLVIT Luxembourg, of which 419 were successfully resolved. Of the 495 complaints, 261 were against Luxembourg administrations, the other complaints concerned the national authorities of the other Member States. The entire network has handled a total of 19,227 complaints on a European scale since 2002 and is experiencing a sharp annual increase in the number of cases.

Thanks to the help of SOLVIT Luxembourg, individuals and companies faced with an initial refusal by the competent authority could be concretely assisted within a period of 10 weeks.

For more information on the files processed by the SOLVIT network, visit the websites and or e-mail: