The Fondation de Luxembourg is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year; during this decade it has played a significant role in philanthropy in the Grand Duchy.

The foundation acts an umbrella organisation for 80 individual foundations which together have around €200 million in assets which they manage, of which €35 million has been donated to philanthrophic projects in Luxembourg and around the world.

The President of the Fondation de Luxembourg, Henri Grethen, stated "Few would have bet that in 10 years, the Fondation de Luxembourg could federate and convince as many donors and actors in the philanthropic sector. Its success demonstrates, on the one hand, the generosity of those who have made the choice to create a foundation and, on the other hand, that Luxembourg now has a key structure in this area that allows it to spread at European level".

Tonika Hirdman, Managing Director of the Fondation de Luxembourg since its inception, testified "the diversity of the projects supported reflects the concerns of the founders who made the choice to join us, and it was a great satisfaction to be able to accompany them. In the implementation of their actions in favour of the general interest, all participate in their areas of predilection, more harmonious and more humane societies and the next years will be the opportunity to capitalise on these endowments to deepen the impact of our activities".