On Tuesday 10 October 2017, Omega 90 asbl created, together with six geriatric institutions, the "Netzwierk Palliativ Geriatrie Lëtzebuerg".

The main aim of this network is to promote the geriatric and palliative culture in Luxembourg by cultivating exchanges between the institutions concerned, informing professionals, residents of institutions and the general public on the topics of palliative geriatrics, research and motivating other institutions to join this initiative.

Palliative geriatrics aims to enable residents of geriatric institutions to have the best possible quality of life from the time they enter the institution and until their death. This implies, on the one hand, probing and respecting the will of the residents and their entourage, and, on the other hand, close collaboration between all the employees of the institution, all professions combined.

The "Netzwierk Palliativ Geriatrie Lëtzebuerg" is a result of the pilot project "Palliative Geriatry", which Omega 90 coordinated with the "Kompetenzzentrum Palliative Geriatrie des Unionhilfswerks Berlin" from March 2016 to October 2017. The representatives of the participating institutions met regularly to exchange on their palliative culture practices and to develop internal projects to develop and anchor this culture in the respective institutions.