Credit: Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth

Following the end of the 2017-18 academic year, 5,094 Luxembourg primary school pupils will be progressing to secondary education. 

The results of the referral procedure were more or less consistent with those of the previous year, although the agreement rate between parents' and teachers' opinions on the matter was significantly higher (98.2%) in 2018 compared to the previous year (84.0%).

Of the 5,094 pupils, 38.7% were referred to a 7th grade class at the classical secondary school level (7th C), 48.6% were referred to a 7th grade class in general secondary education (7th G) and 12.2% were referred to the preparatory route (7th P). Meanwhile, 0.5% will benefit from an extended cycle in 2018-19.

4,828 of the 5,094 students, or 94.7%, were referred according to the new guidance procedure in force in cycle 4, which features more involvement from pupils' parents. The first exchange on the perspectives of the child's guidance takes place at the end of the cycle 4.1 and, at the end of cycle 4.2, the teacher and the parents take a joint orientation decision.

The new orientation procedure provides that in case of disagreement between the parents and the teacher, a guidance committee makes the final decision on the orientation of the pupil concerned. This was the case for 32 students, 24 of whom were finally directed towards the educational route proposed by their teacher.