The next ‘When I Grow Up 2030’ workshop, for children aged 4 to 11 to express their creative imagination by filming their ideas for their future, will be held on 7 June, which is also Children’s International Day.

The project’s creative producer, Andra Maria Matresu explained the initiative, “Kids are very attracted to cinema, and it’s a medium that they are excited to work with. The subject of the films is their own futures.”

By imagining their life fifteen years from now, and using a camera, and props such as legos, paper, pens, fruit, make-up, neckties, amongst other items, to create stop motion animation, the children can develop creative solutions to everyday problems and even shed light on current challenges in their lives.

Matresu believes that the workshops offer far more than just creative fun for the kids, and sees it as an opportunity for them to vent or relieve problems they are experiencing, but having difficulty talking about.

They are encouraged to literally picture their futures, as well as their dream jobs and situations, and bring these to life on the big screen. By creating films, in which they themselves star in, the kids can learn to view themselves as the hero in their own lives – a person taking charge, making good, solid decisions, thus enhancing their self-belief.

The workshop is usually held over a weekend from 10:00 to 18:00 and is designed for small groups of four children. Several “making of” and final web clips will be posted on the campaign website.

As well as the kids and filmmakers, an educator and early childhood psychologist are also present to produce a confidential report identifying each child’s strengths, for the children’s parents.