WHEN i GROW UP has announced that it will launch a new EduTational Workshops In Luxembourg for Children on 1 September 2018.

“The way we teach … is going to be making our kids lose jobs in the next 30 years,” said Jack Ma, co-founder and CEO of a well-known multinational technology conglomerate. According to him, there is no reason to focus on training the children of today to calculate, because machines will always be more effective at calculation.

The human edge in the age of automation?

“We have to teach our kids to be very, very innovative, very creative,” Jack Ma said. “In this way, we can create jobs for our own kids.” Remember - the future is not a place they go. The future is a place they create.

Today at 2030, WHEN i GROW UP children get to create their future. This edutational platform for children 4 to 11 years old, is launching a unique opportunity called the "Hero's Journey". Starting with 22 September and continuing with every first week-end each month until February, a total of 10 participants get actionable insight into Blockchain For Children Socio-Emotional Learning, Personal Finances For Children, Assertive Communication, Healthy Eating, Innovation And Entrepreneurship, Proper Breathing, Yoga And Meditation, Media Literacy and Film Making.

The workshops are run in cooperation with Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT). Among the mentors are experts from TESLA, GreenBehave.eco, We Love Yoga In Luxembourg, Pickle Tango, aVision.lu, BwmMediasoft, EmailTree.ai, SustainableTourism.eco and many more.

Children will be much more valuable to their family and to their community if they first learn themselves. Teach themselves. Condition themselves. And then just as a hero gives back to the mundane world, they give back and get us moving as well. Only when children have reached their highest potential, will this world become a better place too.

Education is the pathway to freedom.

If you fear your child will lack opportunities to fulfil their highest potential and navigate the complexities of 21st-century life, then the time has come when you can do something about it. For further details, see

For further information, see https://www.2030whenigrowup.org/events-for-kids-in-luxembourg