The Luxembourg-based online medical booking service Doctena has taken over the operations of the Austrian leader

The acquisition of Austria’s Mednanny marks another major milestone for Doctena, now covering Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) and consolidating its position as the number 1 online medical booking platform in Europe.

Austria is the 6th country with the highest density of medical professionals and in 2015, the number of practicing physicists was estimated at 44,000, while each patient took an average of 6.8 medical appointments. The Austrian market for online medical appointments has been until now dominated by Mednanny, a platform active in the country’s capital and other major cities. It recorded 3 million consultation bookings each year.

Since its launch in Luxembourg in 2013, Doctena has settled its operations in five additional and its growth is based, in particular, on a strategy of acquiring competing groups. Over two years, Mednanny is the fifth platform taken over by Doctena (after Docbook (BE), Doxter (DE), Terminland (DE) and Sanmax (BE)).

Since the takeover of Mednanny, more than 10,000 medical professionals have been brought together on a single medical booking platform.