Credit: Pexels

On Wednesday 10 April 2024, the Luxembourg foundation for visually impaired people, Fondation Lëtzebuerger Blannevereenegung (FLB) congratulated Luxembourg’s Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees as well as STATEC for having collected data on disability during the 2021 population census.

The figures published in March 2024 revealed the number of people affected by various disabilities in the Grand Duchy. FLB noted that visual impairment is one of the most common disabilities in the Grand Duchy, affecting 8.7% of the total population, or around 56,000 individuals.

Even excluding disabilities considered mild, visual impairment remains the second most common type of disability in the Grand Duchy, affecting a total of 15,300 people. However, FLB emphasised that even mild disabilities have an impact on the daily lives of those affected. The FLB aims to ensure that every visually impaired person, whether they face a mild, moderate or severe disability, has the support and resources necessary to lead an independent life. By focusing on the specific needs of this community, the FLB’s reported goal was to ensure their full participation and inclusion in all aspects of society. FLB added it will henceforth engage proactively with the government and its administrations. It will actively engage in defending the interests and causes of visually impaired people, advocating for policies and concrete measures that promote their inclusion and well-being in all aspects of society.

These figures offer us additional legitimisation to step out of our discretion in favour of this important community of people affected by visual impairment,” declared Paul Ensch, President of the FLB board of directors.

“As an organisation dedicated to improving the lives of people with visual impairments, we will continue to provide invaluable support to this community, ensuring that every person has access to the services and resources they need to achieve their goals and full potential.” declared Thierry Lutgen, Director General of the FLB.

FLB noted that those wishing to obtain more information on visual impairments can contact Mr Klein at tel.: 329-031-1510. More information on the FLB and its institutions is available at