Zeilt Productions has announced that its first series "Barababor", directed by Laurent Witz, Oscar winner with his animated short film "Mr Hublot", will be broadcast on RTL from 4 March 2019 from Monday to Thursday, daily at 18:55.

The 52 episodes, each of 2 minutes duration, feature a crew of explorers criss-crossing the oceans in search of glory and wealth. Particularly incompetent and unlucky, they have to face all sorts of unexpected obstacles that will take them on a series of crazy adventures.

The 3D animation series, based on the universe created by Fabien Weibel, adopts universal humour that will seduce young and old for a moment of pure entertainment with the family.
After having conquered Canada on Télé Québec, our adventurers will land on the small screens of Luxembourg on 4 March 2019.
"Barababor" is supported by the Film Fund Luxembourg, produced and (more than 95%) created in Luxembourg.