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A survey carried out by Luxembourg-based market researcher Quest has revealed that seniors in Luxembourg are generally satisfied and comfortable, though some issues persist concerning mental health struggles and loneliness prevention efforts.

This survey was conducted in January 2024 and aimed to explore and quantify the quality of life of the elderly in the Grand Duchy. The sample of 500 respondents aged over 65 was selected randomly.

In a society sometimes fixated on youth, Quest noted it sought to reiterate the importance of acknowledging the value and role of the elderly. “The true measure of a society's greatness lies in its ability to recognise and respect its elders,” the research company added. Building on surveys conducted in 2016 and 2017, Quest initiated a new survey focusing on the quality of life of senior citizens.

Overall, the elderly were found to be satisfied, content and engaged. The results from the random sample of 500 individuals over the age of 65 were “promising”, Quest noted. Nearly nine out of ten seniors reported satisfaction with their lives, with two-thirds still feeling useful and fully integrated into society. Additionally, half of seniors felt respected and valued by society.

More than eight out of ten senior citizens expressed satisfaction with their pensions, revealing a “comfortable standard of living”. However, results varied for women and respondents who did not work in the public sector. A sobering observation arose regarding their understanding of their pension's origin. Eight out of ten individuals were unaware of the proportion of their personal contributions compared to state and employer contributions. This finding likely extends to the broader population, underscoring the challenge of engaging in informed discussions about pension reforms, Quest noted.

Persistent challenges noted for this segment of the population were mental health concerns and loneliness prevention. Although nearly three-quarters of the elderly expressed satisfaction with the public health system, a notable proportion voices concerns about loneliness prevention efforts, emphasising the critical need to address the mental health of the elderly, Quest stressed. Mental health remains a taboo subject for half of the population. Hence, according to Quest, there is a need to create an inclusive environment where the issues of loneliness and mental health can be addressed readily by Luxembourg’s seniors.