
On 3 October 2017, the Luxembourg Association for the Study of Competition Law will host the 3rd Luxembourg Day of Competition Law at the Chamber of Commerce from 14:00-18:15, followed by a networking cocktail.

For the third time, the competition association, in partnership with Groupe Larcier, is organising this event which invites all companies to attend and learn more about competition law.

The provisional programme is as follows:

13:30 Welcome of participants

14:00 Welcome by Carlo Thelen, General Manager of the Chamber of Commerce

Introduction by Gabriel Bleser, Law Attorney, President of ALEDC and Lawyer-Associate at Moyse Bleser

14:15 Competition in the face of innovation: challenges for the Union judge by Marc Jaeger, President of the Court of First Instance of the European Union

14:45 Luxembourg and European legislative panorama on competition by Gabriel Bleser and Vincent Wellens, Associate Lawyer at Nauta Dutilh

Follow-up to the report of the Competition Council on the control of mergers

Follow-up Damages Act

Abolition of the Unfair Competition Act

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to provide the competition authorities of the Member States with the means to implement competition rules more effectively and to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market

15:15 A view from the Competition Council by Pierre Rauchs, President of the Competition Council

15:45 Round Table moderated by Gabriel Bleser

Roundtable Participants: Thierry Hoscheit, First Vice-President of the Luxembourg District Court, Vincent Wellens, Associate Lawyer at Nauta Dutilh, Alexandre Verheyden, Associate Lawyer at Jones Day

16:15 Q&A

16:30 Coffee Break

16:45 Overview of the jurisprudence of the Conseil de la concurrence and the Luxembourg courts by Léon Gloden, Partner at Elvinger Hoss Prussen and Member of Parliament

17:15 Panorama of European competition case law by Joseph Vogel, Associate Lawyer at Vogel & Vogel

17:45 Q&A

18:00 Conclusions

18:15-20:00 Cocktail

Registration fees for participating in the event are €195 TTC or €50 for students.







Venue: Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, 7 rue Alcide de Gasperi - Kirchberg L-2981 Luxembourg

Organiser: Luxembourg Association for the Study of Competition Law; Groupe Larcier

Price: €195 TTC or €50 for students
