Last December, Quest Market Intelligence carried out, and have now published the results of, a survey of 500 residents, exploring love and relationships in Luxembourg.
According to Quest, this light-hearted survey "answers questions no one asked, but the findings are as amusing as they are surprising".
Different complementary methods were used (recruitment in public spaces, on social networks and via panel); to thank the participants, a donation of €1,000 was made to humanitarian organisations.
Love Is in the Air – Sometimes
"One out of two people is happily in love. Bravo to the lucky half! Meanwhile, almost 1 in 5 describes their love life as “complicated.” Poor souls – sounds exhausting. At least the self-declared loveless 20% don't have to worry about that."
Fear of Commitment and Studio Apartments
"Why are single households on the rise? Fear of commitment, cited by 45%, takes the top spot, followed by financial independence at 35% and career focus at 32%. With this in mind, the real estate market is clearly onto something with its studios of exactly 32.5 m². Who needs room for two when you’ve got trust issues?"
The Truth About Sex
"Over half the adult population claims to have had sex in the last month. We’re skeptical, but okay. Men appear to exaggerate slightly more than women (shocking, we know). Meanwhile, only 3% think sex is overrated. Clearly, we all have our priorities straight – or do we?!"
Marriage and Babies – Conventional Wisdom Is Alive and Kicking
"Despite what sociologists might have you believe, a whopping 80% of respondents want to formalise their relationships, be it through traditional marriage or civil union. The same 80% are eager to have children. Society’s message is clear: get married, make babies, repeat. The foundation of our civilization remains gloriously intact."
Why Do Marriages Fail?
"It’s not you, it’s... us. Our inability to master problems, served with our overly romanticised view of marriage and a final sprinkle of declining stigma, seems to be the perfect mix. These are named as the top drivers of divorce. Pro tip: when your partner asks you to take the garbage out, just do it. It’s cheaper than a lawyer."
In Conclusion
"Our survey proves what we all suspected: love is messy, people are complicated, and surveys about love are the best kind. If these results don’t make you laugh, cry, or question your life choices, we’ll consider it a failure. Until then, let’s raise a toast to romance, resilience, and the 32.5 m² studio life!"