Luxembourg's Ministry of Mobility and Public Works has announced the launch of the Luxmobil 2025 mobility survey, which will run from Tuesday 14 January until the end of June 2025.
This survey, which follows on from the Luxmobil 2017 survey, is considered "essential" in allowing the ministry to fulfil its mobility planning mission. It aims in particular to collect key data on the travel behaviour of Luxembourg residents and their mobility needs. This information will be important for the development of the National Mobility Plan 2040 as well as for the ministry's future strategic planning.
As part of a broader context of cross-border cooperation, which includes northern Lorraine in France, as well as Germany and Belgium, Luxembourg and the entire cross-border area are expected to have up-to-date and comparable data on mobility behaviours.
ILRES, the survey institute commissioned by the ministry to collect the data, will contact 7,860 statistically representative residents by telephone.
The information collected concerns all trips made by individuals the day before the survey during the week, or the Saturday before. Other data will also be collected, in particular on the household (location, composition, etc.) and on individuals (personal profile, driving licence, public transport subscriptions, etc.). The ministry assured that the information will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The participation of the selected people is deemed "essential", regardless of their travel habits. The ministry described this as "a unique opportunity to have their own experience count in the survey results, and in future decisions regarding mobility".
The survey consists of two parts: an initial telephone interview about the week's travel. At the end of this interview, participants will be asked whether they agree to be contacted again the following Monday to answer a few questions about their Saturday travel.
The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, the project owner of the survey, is being assisted, in addition to ILRES, by two other technical service providers throughout the survey: the Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (CEREMA) will monitor the survey, ensuring that it runs smoothly in accordance with methodological requirements; the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) will adapt the survey methodology to Luxembourg's specificities and monitor its "perfect implementation".
As part of the launch of the mobility survey, Luxembourg's Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Yuriko Backes, stressed the importance of residents' participation in this project: "This representative survey is being conducted in the interest of citizens in order to better understand their travel behaviour, adapt mobility solutions to their needs and improve the efficiency and comfort of daily journeys. By participating, you play an active role in creating a mobility policy that is adapted to current and future challenges, reflecting the real needs of households. This is a unique opportunity to make your voice heard and influence strategic transport decisions for the benefit of society as a whole."
Additional information on the Luxmobil 2025 mobility survey is available online at luxmobil2025.lu.