
The Luxembourg Red Cross holds a monthly bazaar aimed at raising funds to support its work.

Visitors can browse and buy various items, from second-hand clothes and accessories to toys and furniture, among others.

This event is held on the first Saturday of the month (and the day before, i.e. Friday; from March to December) at 5 Rue des Bruyères, L-1274 Howald, from 10:00 to 17:00.

Upcoming dates: Saturday 4 May, Saturday 1 June, Saturday 6 July, Saturday 3 August, Saturday 7 September, Saturday 5 October, Saturday 2 November, Saturday 7 December.

Venue: 5 Rue des Bruyères, L-1274 Howald

Organiser: Luxembourg Red Cross

Price: n/a

Reservations: n/a