The City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg - VdL) recently presented its new mobility plan (Mobilitéitsplang) to members of the press.
This strategic document sets the municipality's objectives in terms of urban mobility to be achieved by 2035. These will also guide the measures to be implemented, taking into account both the different means of transport and the different reasons for travel. According to the VdL, it also ensures that all urban mobility measures and actions are implemented in a "coordinated" and "efficient" manner aimed at achieving the previously set objectives.
An analysis of the current urban mobility situation in Luxembourg city made it possible for VdL to draw up an inventory according to the means of travel. This found public transport to be the most efficient means of transport in the capital. Despite improvements in recent years, cycling could benefit from more dedicated cycle paths (not shared with other road users) when extending the cycling network in future. Concerning pedestrian traffic, VdL noted that a dense network of pedestrian crossings guaranteed safe crossings and technical infrastructure (bridges, lifts, etc.) constituted real added value.
However, an analysis of individual motorised traffic showed a near saturation of the road network, particularly in the city centre during rush hours. Given the existing urbanisation and plans to extend the public transport network as well as in terms of soft mobility, the potential for developing this road network is "highly limited, if not impossible", said VdL. On the other hand, it highlighted various parking possibilities in the capital.
Looking at demographics, VdL noted that an effective mobility strategy would need to take into account the evolution of both the population and jobs. It is estimated that the number of residents of Luxembourg City will increase by 46% (+57,000) by 2035, with jobs expected to increase by 30% (+50,000). According to VdL, this growth constitutes one of the major challenges facing tomorrow's mobility: journeys made (on all modes of travel combined) would thus increase from 857,000 in 2020 to 1,144,000 by 2035 (+33%).
In this context, the VdL mobility plan has studied several scenarios to determine the impact of certain parameters or measures on urban mobility. Aiming for 51% of trips to be made by soft mobility and public transport and 49% of trips by individual motorised transport by 2035, VdL acknowledged that a significant development of public transport would be essential, as well as implementing measures promoting soft mobility and those limiting the use of individual motorised transport. VdL clarified that the objective should be to maintain the absolute number of journeys by individual motorised transport at the 2020 level, so as to guarantee efficient urban mobility by 2035.
In order to define mobility strategies, the new plan has looked at the strengths and weaknesses of different means of transport, as well as the challenges that arise and the measures required to meet them. For example, in order to limit individual motorised transport, the existing public transport (namely bus and tram) offer should be optimised. In terms of soft mobility, VdL said it was important to further develop the cycle and pedestrian network to allow rapid and continuous routes, secure journeys, an optimal existing service offering and accessible infrastructure.
Concerning the road network, VdL proposed the optimisation of motorway traffic around the capital and the strengthening of peripheral links in order to avoid transit traffic and relieve traffic congestion in the city. In existing neighbourhoods, traffic calming is a priority (aimed at a better quality of life).VdL also deemed necessary a reassessment, or even an overhaul, of the parking situation to guarantee efficient mobility by 2035.
As for the next steps, VdL confirmed that detailed measures would be developed in the coming months and years. A public presentation of the new mobility plan is expected to take place in the near future.